Exchanges around the options and roadmap for setting up a European infrastructure on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities and Migration studies research and data”

During the IMISCOE 2024 annual conference in Lisbon, members of the project met with the migration studies research community to exchange ideas, discuss needs, and explore opportunities for collaboration around Open Science and Open Data initiatives in the fields of Ethnic and Migrant Minorities and Migration Studies. The discussion focused on the potential development of a future EU infrastructure for migration research and data. 

As a first step, a Task Force was established, bringing together volunteers committed to advancing these exchanges and exploring the creation of a recognized European infrastructure for migration research and data. The Task Force held its inaugural meeting in early November 2024, where members began preliminary discussions on the path forward. We will share further updates on the Task Force's work in the next newsletter.

If you or your institution manages a regularly updated dataset on migration policy indicators, a tool for analyzing migration flows, a metadata repository, recurring training on migration research methods, a recurrent survey, or a research hub that integrates multiple data sources into new datasets or visualizations (to give just some examples), you are already operating a research infrastructure. If you recognize your project, service, or tool in these examples, or believe it qualifies as a research infrastructure in the field, we strongly encourage you to stay connected for updates and reach out to the project coordinators at